Undergraduate Student Council  Constitution 

Article I. Mission

The Undergraduate Student Council (USC) is the official representative Undergraduate student body of the American University of Armenia (AUA). Its mission is to voice the concerns, needs, aims and wishes of all the undergraduates, in addition to creating a strong bond among administration, faculty, staff and students.

The USC strives for building and maintaining the positive AUA spirit. Therefore, it raises the motivation of the students to get involved in various activities and programs that benefit the entire AUA community, for each student can introduce genuine creativity and energy.


Article II. Membership

Section 1: Number of Representatives

The elected representatives of the USC shall consist of twelve undergraduate students.            

Section 2: Legislative Power

The USC shall have a hierarchical structured body, but all USC representatives shall have equal rights in decision-making. There will be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, a Treasurer and PR manager(s) assigned twice a semester, in order for different representatives to have the opportunity to learn and be familiar with various skills and responsibilities.


Article III. Elections

Section 1: General Requirements

All degree seeking students of the undergraduate student body, with a GPA of 2.0 or higher shall have the right to represent him or herself at the USC elections. Whereas, new students who do not have a GPA must make certain that they maintain a GPA after the end of every semester.

Section 2: Election Process

  • The representatives shall be elected by the end of the first month of an academic year.
  • All official candidates shall have the chance to organize campaigns: make speeches, answer questions from the student body, administration, faculty or staff.
  • Undergraduate students shall have the chance to vote for up to twelve candidates.

Section 3: Internal Elections on the USC positions

  • The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and PR manager positions shall be based upon the votes counted by the USC body itself.
  • Every USC member can be nominated for the positions The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and PR manager, either by him/herself or his/her peer.
  • The President and Vice-President of the Council are being elected via a secret ballot. Elections for President and Vice-President positions shall be done separately. If more than half of Council members vote for the same person, that person is assigned to the position. If no member receives more than half votes, the voting is done again, between the two candidates having received the most votes.
  • Any Council member can put up a vote for dismissal of the President or Vice-President (can be done anonymously through advisor). Voting is done via a secret ballot, and if more than half of Council members vote for dismissal, the person is freed from the position and elections shall be done immediately to fill the freed position.
  • Any representative of the USC who receives the vote of eight or more council representatives shall be appointed as secretary, treasurer or PR manager.
  • Representatives of the USC can present themselves to hold those positions and other representatives can suggest certain people to attain the positions as well.


Article IV. Authorities of USC Representatives and Advisors

Section 1: Duties of the President

  • The President shall uphold the Constitution and ensure that the Undergraduate Student Council (USC) faithfully executes its mandate.
  • The President shall serve as the primary spokesperson for the USC and AUA Undergraduate student body by maintaining relationships with university faculty, staff and outside parties that are significant to the experience of the AUA Undergraduate students.
  • The President shall act as Chairman of all Council meetings and submit an agenda for each meeting.
  • The President shall provide positive leadership role model for all members; assist members and committee chairpersons in any way possible to help them with their membership efforts.

Section 2: Duties of the Vice-President

  • The Vice-President shall assist the President
  • The Vice-President shall represent the President in case President is not available.
  • The Vice-President shall temporarily assume the position of the President in case the President resigns or is impeached, until new elections of the President are concluded.

Section 3: Duties of the Secretary

  • The secretary shall keep and organize all registered meeting minutes and other notes, letters or addresses that may concern the USC.
  • The secretary should always contact the USC to share required information on additional meetings and similar important cases.
  • The secretary shall be in touch with the faculty and staff when needed.
  • The secretary cannot appoint additional meetings without the agreement of at least 7 other USC representatives.

Section 4:Duties of the Treasurer

  • The treasurer is in charge of operating the budget and all financial reports of the USC.
  • The treasurer shall register and keep all actions and reports concerning the budget
  • The treasurer shall send specific monthly reports to all USC representatives and advisors.

Section 5: Duties of the PR manager(s)

  • The PR Manager(s) shall provide the student body and general public with the relevant news and information regarding USC activities and events.
  • The PR Manager(s) shall make use of social communication platforms such as Facebook or AUA webpage in order to deliver the news or other content related to USC activities to the student body and general public
  • In case the information to be published is questionable or needs preliminary discussion, the PR manager(s) should discuss it with other USC representatives and get their agreement on the publication.

Section 6: Duties of the Advisor(s)

  • The advisor(s) is (are) encouraged to be present at USC meetings and shall be present on the meeting upon prior request of the Council and mutual arrangement of the time and date.
  • The advisor is a main link between AUA administration, staff members and the council.
  • The advisor has a voice but not a vote.
  • The advisor can take notes to complement the minutes of the secretary.
  • The advisor shall be a support to the council when needed and to be active when called upon.
  • The advisor shall inform all council representatives of relevant information.


Article V. Meetings

  • The USC will meet at least once in two weeks during the academic year.
  • Additional meetings can also be called by the President, secretary, advisors or by eight or more representatives of the council as often as it is necessary.
  • All council representatives must be given at least one week notice before additional meetings.
  • General meetings are mandatory, but all additional meetings are optional, unless it is decided the opposite.
  • The quorum of a workable meeting shall be eight council representatives.


Article VI. Discipline and Removal of Student Council Members

  • A representative shall be removed after three unexcused meeting absences.
  • A representative shall be removed after 6 total meeting absences.
  • An absence is considered excused if a Council member notifies the other Council members about his or her absence via an email by the end of the day preceding the meeting.
  • A Council member shall notify the Council if he or she is being late to the meeting in any possible means (e.g. email, phone call, via other Council member, etc). If the Council member is late to the meeting for 15 or less minutes, the member receives a late note. Three late notes will be counted as an excused absence. If the Council member is late to the meeting for more than 15 minutes he or she receives an excused absence.
  • A representative shall be removed when he or she leaves the university, no matter the reason of leaving.
  • The USC can issue warnings regarding inappropriate behavior, language, by any of the council representatives.
  • USC representatives shall have three chances to revise their behavior before removal of position.
  • The representative subject to removal shall have the opportunity to speak on his or her own behalf, and their statement shall be taken into account.
  • All USC decisions must be finalized by the voting agreement of eight or more council representatives in order to be considered valid.


Article VII. Vacancies

  • If the position of one of the representatives becomes available due to resignation or removal from office for lack of required student status, unexcused absences, etc., (according to article VI of the constitution) the next eligible candidate for the vacant position, as determined by the overall election votes shall be the rightful person for the position. However, when no eligible candidate is willing to serve, the USC body shall decide upon appointing a suitable replacement.


Article VIII. Event Organization Procedure

  • Events organized by USC shall be suggested by USC representatives or students.
  • Students can suggest particular events by contacting, visiting USC representatives at the USC room or by means organized by the USC, such as suggestion boxes, official emails and surveys.
  • Suggested events shall be voted upon by the voting agreement of eight or more USC representatives, and then the particular event shall be eligible for planning.
  • The USC shall create committees to organize a particular event.
  • An event committee can include up to all representatives of the council, along with volunteers from the AUA student body if needed.


Article IX. Budget

The USC budget is being determined by the Executive committee of the University.

Each fiscal year the USC should submit a budget to their advisor(s). The proposed budget should detail a plan of activities and intended expenditures for the academic year. Each event should be budgeted based on the type of expense. The council treasurer should meet with their advisor(s) to discuss timing and appropriate measures to expedite forms of purchase.

All of the undergraduate student council transactions should be in compliance with legislation and AUA policies, controlled by the treasurer.

All council transactions must be controlled by the treasurer, follow the protocol below and contain the appropriate information and paperwork:

  • The council shall review and approve students/event activities. 
  • The treasurer must complete appropriate expense reimbursement memos, attach original invoices/receipts. 
  • A funding request memo is drafted and signed by the treasurer with the consent of the other USC representatives. The memo will detail the type of transactions and give the names of the individuals responsible for the transactions. When signed by the treasurer, this memo will serve as authorization of the accompanying expense. 
  • All of the paperwork must be provided to the advisor(s). This should include a spreadsheet with remaining balance and a copy of all the forms that are being submitted for processing.

The provided money should be used only for the benefit of the whole student body and students’ community and not only a part of it.


Article X. Constitutional Amendments

Amendments to the constitution can be addressed, discussed and later be accepted or denied by the USC at any time during the academic year, according to the needs of the USC to make changes in the constitution.

All constitutional amendments must be finalized by the voting agreement of eight or more council representatives.